The Landreth's

The Landreth's

Monday, February 21, 2011

Craft Project

This is a craft project that I did in December, I had a lot of fun making this wall hanging. Of Course, it is our last name and the year Austin and I got married. I got the idea from a craft blog that I follow; I changed a few things up based on materials and price. Anyhow, I thought this would be a great idea for a homemade gift or personalizing your home decor. This was certainly my first go around with it and I would change a few things about it. I found the frame at a garage sale (I would spray paint it black to match the wording), the stencils are from Hobby Lobby, I use acrylic paint for the lettering (I would have put the lettering on the back of the glass & made the numbers smaller and put est. 2008), and the backing is a material that I picked out at a fabric store. A fun little project overall!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Yesterday Austin came home with two beautiful roses for Logan and I. What a special Valentine's Day to see my little girl get her very first rose from the most important man in her life...her amazing Daddy.

Daddy's little Valentine...Logan's shirt said "I love my Daddy" Oh, and does she ever!

Logan and I with our roses!

Snow Days

So, I think most Oklahoma people are ready for this snow to go away. Not us...we love it and have enjoyed the playing in it, cooking loads of food and having Austin home with us.

This is the snowman that Austin and I made when Logan was napping.
Don't you just love his hat???
Logan enjoying the cute!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Baked Chicken, Broccoli, Carrots and Rice

This is a recipe that I found on the back of a campbell's soup can. I took the basis of the recipe and made a few alteration to make it my own. I really like this recipe because it is a quick dinner to whip up and you get your protein, veggies and carb's all in one well rounded meal.

What you will need:
1 package chicken breast (I use fresh boneless skinless)
Head of broccoli
Brown rice
Can of cream of broccoli soup
Shredded Cheese

Preheat oven to 375
Combined 3/4 cup Brown rice and can of cream of broccoli soup in a mixing bowl. Using the Campbell's can fill it half with water and half with milk and add to rice and soup. Mix!
Add pepper, minced garlic, paprika to the mixing bowl...flavor as you like (I just eyeballed it). Cut up half the head of broccoli and about 10 baby carrots (slice the carrots really thin to be sure they cook through) and add to the mixing bowl.
Pour mixture into a baking dish. After chicken breast have been rinsed place them on top of the mixture you poured into your baking dish. Season chicken with garlic salt. Cover the baking dish and bake for 45-55 minutes at 375. Option: We sprinkle shredded cheese over our rice and veggies after it is done cooking.

We added garlic bread to the meal and it was a hit. Austin even liked it...veggies and all!

Courtney this is the one that I already sent you. :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow Day

Wow! The snow is here- about 8-10" of it and it is still falling. It feels like a Michigan winter...ahhh, the awesome memories! Logan and I are so excited because Austin got a snow day and is home from work. We started the morning with a bacon and pancake breakfast and a nice cup of coffee. There is nothing like a big breakfast on a cold day. This afternoon for lunch another wonderful winter treat to warm our tomato soup and grilled ham and cheese sandwiches. It just makes my day to be snowed in and I mean literally and have nice warm comfort foods.
Logan Faith enjoying her grilled cheese and tomato soup...she loves to dip!
This is the only time Ellie got off the porch...she is a little sensitive to the cold
Now, Lic on the other hand...oh, that boy loves rip, roarand tear around in the snow! It is so much fun to watch him just go to town!
Snowed in--I wasn't joking. This is a picture of our front door looking out. The wind is blowing so hard it created this huge snow drift!
Again...Snowed in. Our least you can see the truck.
You can barely see my van next to Austin's truck!
Oh, yeah and for those of you that didn't know....I now drive a van! We sold my big SUV for our kick butt van. Why you ask? Two words...Dave Ramsey! For those of you that don't know him you need to get to know him and then you will understand!
Two more words...Life the best way!