The Landreth's

The Landreth's

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

I woke up the this morning and had a wonderful reflection time with God. It got me thinking about Good Friday and what it really means. Of course, I am completely thrilled that Good Friday means that Austin has off work but what does it mean from a biblical perspective.
John 19:42 Because it was the Jewish day of preparation and since the tomb was nearby, they laid Jesus their.
Jesus Christ was crucified and was put to death at Calvary. Good Friday is a day of observation of Jesus Christ's sacrifice for us.
So, this leads me to question. Why do most places stay open? Why are schools still teaching today? Why? Why? Why are we not slowing down our lives long enough to reflect on the most important event that will ever take place? Jesus Christ died for our sins and was resurrected and we can't even sit still long enough to reflect....oh, and trust me I am guiltily of this myself.
So, what does it mean that Jesus died on the a book that I read this morning it was put this way....
When Jesus died on the cross, it simply means that Jesus took all that I have coming to me-pain, sickness, failure, confusion, hatred, rejection, and death- and gave me all that He had coming to Him-all His wholeness, healing, love, acceptance, peace, joy, and life. (7 Prayers)
In conclusion, whether you are running around like a chicken with its head cut off (I'm guilty) or you have the day off. Take a moment to notice what God is doing in your life, the people that He has blessed you with and His word that we can openly live by. He is continuously blessing our lives....How has God blessed you? I love you all...and God has truly blessed me by allowing me to have each and everyone of you in my life.

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